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We’re a Proud Paparazzi Free site. This means that here at Nadine Coyle UK you won’t find candids and any kind of personal picture of Nadine. We will post behind the scenes photos, like on set pictures and some arrivals at events, but absolutely no paparazzi photos. With the term “Paparazzi Photos” we mean Nadine’s personal/private photos, like while she’s shopping, leaving her home, driving her car, spending a day on the beach, having lunch with someone and similar. The only exception to this rule is if Nadine posts a private picture to her social media, we will then share this too.

Below I’ll answer some questions you may ask yourself about why we say no to posting paparazzi stuff and gossip:

Why not post paparazzi pics? I love Nadine so much and I want to see her everytime is possible!
As you can easily guess, I love Nadine as well and it’s because of this I run a fansite for this fabulous woman. It’s because I love Nadine that I don’t post any photo that could make her uncomfortable. Let’s spend a minute and think: would you like to see all around the web your private pictures? I don’t. Would you like to see private photos of a person you love publicly? I don’t because I care about this person, and I don’t think you would too. There’s a thin line between loving a person, admiring and supporting her and being annoying and obsessive and I think that this line can be recognised as paparazzi stuff and gossip when we’re talking about a celebrity. It’s true that as a celebrity she must have a public life: for this, you can take a look to events and appearances where she chooses herself to appear publicly. You can also see her on TV Series/Movies and she surely would be happy to know this, but i mustn’t assume that just because she’s a celebrity she must have all her own life showed publicly or that she might like this. I always say that loving a celeb means respecting that celeb too, so not posting Paparazzi Pictures is just another great way to show to your loved celeb that you really care about and you are respectful. So, that’s why you don’t ever see a private picture here at Nadine Coyle UK.

I don’t get it. Paparazzi take photos, they’re are on the internet already and I can see them anyway, so why don’t post them on your site?
Read above, it’s pretty much the same thing. It’s not about posting them because of someone else posted them already. It’s because we respect Nadine and we don’t want to make her uncomfortable in any way. We are not here to state “We are the best fansite and we have every single pic”, we’re here to show our love and support. Do you want to see paparazzi/private pics? Feel free to visit sites that post them. We’re not posting them and we’ll never do.

Why do you post behind the scenes photos? They are paparazzi photos as well, aren’t they?
In my opinion they might be paparazzi photos. I repeat: may be. In fact I take particular attention when I choose to post behind the scenes photos: if/when I see she seems uncomfortable in one or more pictures I discard them and I add just the pics that let me think for sure she’s ok with. If she’s smiling, she’s not seems annoyed and similar I will post them, otherwise I won’t.

What about videos?
Same as stated below: if she seems ok I post them, if she seems uncomfortable I just ignore the video.

Do you post gossip?
Absolutely not. Her private life must remain private even when we’re talking about gossip. If she’s dating someone, she broke up with someone else is not our business but her own and in my opinion there’s no reason to talk about it here. It’s not respectful.

What about private pictures Nadine puts on her Instagram?
If she herself posted them, this to me means she approved for them to be published so i will share her instagram and twitter posts. Also the ones from her Snapchat.