Today we got a great live lunch over on the Deliveroo instagram page.
Nadine joined Chef Francesco Mazzei to make Spaghetti Mezzogiorno which was sent to her via Deliveroo by EatalianoUK.
The live started off with a confused Nadine not knowing how to join, she started her own live before joining the chat and finally figuring it out. The live chat was filled with excitable fans and it was really nice to get an insight into Nadine’s kitchen over in Derry.
You can watch again above and cook along with Nadine. Order the recipe kit on Deliveroo and search for Eatalianouk, subject to where you live. At the time of typing this I cannot find it near me (in Birmingham City Centre) but it is late in the day so i will keep trying.
Here are the ingredients:

Get cooking! We would love to see your results, just tag @NCoyleFan on Twitter/Instagram.