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Site News ♦ August 30, 2023

Refresh for a brand new theme!

It’s been over 2 years since I last changed the design of the fansite, oops!
I have been literally sitting on this theme for a while now, getting anxious if there were any mistakes but it’s about time I released it to the world! The gallery has also been changed to match.

The new look works best on a desktop computer but is still mobile friendly.

See below on how it looks fully on a desktop (if you are currently viewing mobile mode)

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Gallery, Site News ♦ June 19, 2021

Refresh for a brand new theme!

Just a simple theme this time, as the last theme as giving me a lot of problems behind the scenes. The gallery has also been changed to match.

It brings a new feature where you can change the theme from light to dark, good for those who late night scroll in bed.

The new look works best on a desktop computer but is still mobile friendly.

See below on how it looks fully on a desktop (if you are currently viewing mobile mode)

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Competition ♦ June 01, 2020

Can you believe we have already been online for 3 years!
1st June 2017 we opened up this fansite for fans to enjoy Nadine’s projects and obtain images and news in the easiest way.

My previous Nadine fansite, some of you may recall (NadineCoyleFan) started in 2009 and got deleted in 2014 so i lost everything and felt very demotivated to start again.
After a 3 year break, I knew I just had to make a new Nadine website especially after i heard rumours she was about to release new music again. Later that year, Nadine came back and released Go To Work.

To celebrate today and thank you for your support, we are holding a competition on our social media accounts to win an unofficial Tshirt.

To enter just follow the instructions on each post thats shown below. You have 2 chances to win! Winners will be announced on Thursday on each social media platform.

Thank you and good luck!

*Competition has ended, winners have been announced and contacted*

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Site News ♦ February 13, 2019

With new music on the horizon, i thought it would be great to give the site a revamp!

The gallery has also had a matching theme added.

The photos are from an eyelash shoot which i shall be adding to the gallery soon.

Hope you enjoy the new look, see any errors please do let us know, and keep checking back for more updates.

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Site News ♦ October 16, 2017

I thought it was about time to give the site its first makeover since we opened in June!

I made the banner myself, using these pictures, and a theme base thanks to Kaci, the site now looks very different and a little green! Of course, the gallery had the same makeover and matches this blog.


We bring a brand new feature to this theme, and its a simple one! At the bottom right corner of each post, you will now see a ‘LIKE‘ button, just hit it if you enjoyed the content. I am hoping to use this feature for upcoming competitions so please do test it out!


I want to take this opportunity to welcome back Keith to the site, he is our Features Editor and will be creating some content shortly.

Also, Daniel is now our Social Media Editor, making sure our instagram and twitter is up-to-date for you guys!

And myself (Hayley) is always about doing different things, mainly posting the content on here and the gallery and tweeting.

Please do give us your feedback, good or bad!

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment