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Interview ♦ February 19, 2020

Nadine features on Matt Evers latest Podcast called ‘The Truth, The Gay Truth & Nothing But The Truth‘.

They talk about her new music, jungle life and find out how she got on when she plays “How Gay Are You?”

Last week, he tweeted for some questions to ask Nadine, was yours asked?

You can listen to the podcast various ways below:


Apple Podcasts:


Global Player:

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Interview ♦ February 08, 2020

Nadine talks to Angela Scanlon on BBC Radio 2 Breakfast to talk about the jungle life, best friends, that lie, and of course her new single, All That I Know.

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Interview ♦ February 05, 2020

Nadine is supporting Fabulous’s Mum Of The Year competition and has spoke out about the highs and lows of motherhood and coparenting with Jason Bell.

“I’m not a single mum, I am just a mum.
As a woman I think we are capable of doing so many things. There is great ability to compartmentalise — to focus on the task at hand, do it well and then move on to the next one, while having another million things going on.”

She went on to say

“It’s difficult and there are times when you are like, ‘That’s it’.
Some days I am fine but us mums are not robots, we are not perfect, we have to give ourselves a break and a pat on the back .”

Discussing how they manage to make it work with their daughter, she reveals: “Anaíya is the priority.

“She knows exactly where she is going to be, she knows exactly what is going on. There are no surprises. I am very thankful of the situation.”

“Mums don’t get enough recognition or credit for what they do.
It is often assumed that there is some kind of fairy in the house who makes the food, does the washing and the organising.
There is not that cheerleader who is bigging people up for doing what seems to be normal tasks but it’s really quite difficult to do on top of everything else.”

And that’s why Nadine is backing the competition.

She says: “It’s so lovely to have Mum Of The Year. There should be Mum Of The Week — and the day.
Any time mums are getting celebrated, I am right there celebrating.”

To nominate your mum fill in the form at – before February 24.

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Instagram, Video ♦ February 05, 2020
Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Gallery, Performance, Video ♦ February 03, 2020

Nadine launched and performed her new single All That I Know at G-A-Y Heaven nightclub in London on Saturday.

Wearing a short striped PVC outfit along with 3 of her dancers she sang a medley of Girls Aloud hits along with ATIK.

Here’s a full video of the single performance, although it has been recorded from far away, you can hear her singing the song live and take in the atmosphere!

And i have also added lots of pictures into the gallery:

Public Appearances > 2020 > February 2nd – Backstage at G-A-Y

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Performances > 2020 > February 2nd – G-A-Y

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Author: HayleyLeave a Comment