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Performance, Video ♦ October 14, 2017

Nadine performed on a new Saturday morning TV show called Saturday Mash-up, on BBC2 today.

We have managed to record the performance for you all, along with some various clips of her appearing on the show in different parts. At one point, she was made to roll toilet paper back onto its roll!



Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Gallery ♦ October 14, 2017

Love that Nadine is getting out and about and attending so many events this year.

She was seen at the Attitude Magazine Awards on Thursday evening, sitting alongside Harry Judd (Mcfly!)

See 27 pictures from the evening over on the gallery: October 12th – Attitude Magazine Awards

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Gallery ♦ October 11, 2017

Our girl had a busy day yesterday, and she ended the night green!

Nadine attended the Specsavers Spectacle Wearer of the Year Awards.

Being an ambassador for this year, she was there to present the evening (With Rylan) and award the final winner for 2017. She even performed Go To Work for the crowd.

We have over 80 HQ pictures from this event in the gallery, so click the thumbs below and enjoy!

Public Appearances > 2017 > October 10th – Specsavers Spectacle Wearer of the Year Awards

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Video ♦ October 11, 2017

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Interview, Performance, Video ♦ October 10, 2017

Nadine Coyle joined Lorraine in the studio this morning for a live performance of her brand new single, Go To Work. Nadine also joined Lorraine on the sofa to chat about her return to music, her Girls Aloud history, and how her accent now has an American twang!

Addressing the well-publicised tensions within Girls Aloud, Lorraine said, “In the band you were always ‘the singer’ and that probably is how there was a little bit of sniping… which you were going to get with girls anyway.”

“Boys are the same,” Nadine replied, “Boys can be even worse sometimes because they want to actually physically fight with each other. At least with girls you can be like, ‘Do it in a separate room. Let’s talk about one another when we’re not face to face!’”

Lorraine continued: “Do you ever see a time where you could all just have a laugh, maybe not necessary perform, but just all be in the same room have dinner and have a bit of a giggle?”

“Of course!” Nadine responded, “Everybody grows up and everybody moves on, and everybody has different priorities in life. I’m sure we can do that at some point.”

You can watch her performance again here:

and her full interview i have uploaded for you over here:

I’ve added HQ pictures in the gallery also:

Public Appearances > 2017 > October 10th – Lorraine
Performances > 2017 > October 10th – Lorraine

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment