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Girls Aloud, Instagram, Tour, Video ♦ May 15, 2024

Tour rehearsals are over, and the girls have released a video to show us some behind the scenes footage!

Nadine has also shared some photos over on instagram:

Tours – The Girls Aloud Show [2024] – Rehearsals

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Girls Aloud, Tour ♦ May 15, 2024

The Girls released some Tour merchandise on the official website today, with 4 of the items being exclusive to the store only (so you wont be able to buy them at the concert!)

Author: HayleyLeave a Comment
Girls Aloud, Interview ♦ April 30, 2024

The Girls talk motherhood, beauty and what to expect from their upcoming tour

Boho belts, tank tops and low-slung jeans: fashion is in peak noughties nostalgia mode. And now, on the eve of the Girls Aloud reunion tour in May, we’re cranking up the tunes from the OG noughties girl band. Their fans may be (re)wearing their 2004 ’fits but, for the pop stars, a lot has changed, including their attitude to fame. ‘We don’t give a shit what people think of us,’ says Cheryl Cole.

‘We were really, really nervous the night before the tour was announced,’ admits Kimberley Walsh, who is joined by Cole and bandmates Nicola Roberts and Nadine Coyle today. The girls – now women in their late thirties and early forties – are in full popstar mode, all glossy hair, complementing nude outfits and in-jokes. There was little need for nerves. The news of a comeback caused hysteria among Millennials and the tour promptly sold out. But, as Cole puts it, ‘Under the circumstances it all felt a bit weird.’

The absence of bandmate Sarah Harding, who died from breast cancer in 2021, aged 39, hangs over the tour, but the girls are determined to pay tribute to her. ‘There are going to be so many amazing moments that celebrate Sarah,’ says Roberts. The band are tight-lipped about what these will entail but it’s thought that Harding’s original vocals may be used. ‘We’re not “us” without her so we’ve kept her involved,’ adds Walsh.

Reuniting as a group of four isn’t the only thing that’s different. Cole, Walsh and Coyle are now mothers. Has this influenced their views on touring? ‘If you knew me before I had my son, you don’t know me now,’ Cole muses. ‘I’m a different human being. With motherhood, your whole being and perspective on life changes. Now, performing is just for fun, it’s a joy.’

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Author: HayleyLeave a Comment